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This is bad for citizens, bad for our state and deserves your NO vote in November.
This year will be the well funded, out of state pot lobbies 5th attempt to mislead voters on the merits of legalizing a dangerous drug.
Please, Vote No on the ballot initiative that is attempting to allow abortion through all nine months of a pregnancy by putting it in our State's Constitution.
The day before Jesus died was what we call the “Last Supper,” but what the Jews know as the Passover.
Ray Pritchard describes the seriousness of the death of Jesus for our sins in this poem.
Has your life been changed in a major way because of a special someone missing from your life?
This is the celebration of the day Jesus entered the ancient city of Jerusalem.
There is a proverb that says “The wounds of a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.”
I want to speak to the Christians listening right now.
This Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick was the British grandson of a priest.
Our Founders were not the originators of the principles upon which our country was built.
Does your church talk about social justice?
Our Constitution does not give us our rights, but lists many of them while simultaneously telling government not to touch them.
Perhaps you've heard this joke that describes political systems that goes like this:
Proverbs 31:4-5 says “It is not for kings… to drink wine; not for rulers to crave hard alcohol; lest they drink and forget what the law decrees.
As a nation founded on Christian principles, we cannot survive unless the people are predominately Christian.
Neil Mammen and his excellent book: “Jesus IS Involved in Politics!”
Ronald Raegan, our 40th president, said: “The guns are silent in this war but frontiers fall while those who should be warriors prefer neutrality.
A group of young people, ages 8-19, are learning leadership skills through the national organization TeenPact.
There is a determined agenda out to divide our country.
Prince Whipple had been sent by his family from Africa to America for an education.
Peter Salem, a member of the famous Massachusetts Minutemen.
We present a recap of the life of James Armistead, one of the most important spies of the American Revolution.
Have you ever gone to a friend to call them out on something they are doing wrong?
This week is Future Farmers of America week!
Last Saturday was the Random Acts of Kindness Day.
Even though originally set due to the proximity of Washington and Lincolns birthdays, the day is sometimes understood as a celebration of the birthdays and lives of all U.S. presidents.
We are a democratic republic. This means that we elect representatives, who are informed and speak to the issues that our country stands for.
When thinking about who to vote for in an election, consider first, what you value.
This day originally was in remembrance of a Roman priest in the time of Emperor Claudius.
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. It’s the day of hearts, flowers, and candy, celebrating love, which according to
If you are one to follow SDs legislative session closely, you, probably ask, how is it that bills are introduced that attempt to strip away our rights and freedoms?
The Bible says that he who loves his son disciplines him.
What does love look like? In our society, we throw that word around all to easy.
Jesus said that God is love, and that the first and greatest commandment of God is to love Him back with all our heart, mind, and strength.
How do we know we are a Christian? The Bible says that by our love for one another.
What is the most important thing to you? Is it money? Is it our job? Kids? Spouse?
The United States was created as a coalition of sovereign states with a united Federal Government with limited authority over national and international affairs.
The legislature was meant by the founding fathers to be a body where the average citizen has a turn at civic responsibility.
We are in the thick of the legislative session here in South Dakota.
According to the United States Constitution, the Federal Government is limited in scope to 17 specific areas.
We have no king in America because We the people are govern ourselves through our representative form of government.
South Dakota’s 99th legislative session is underway and you may want to voice your support or concern about one or more of the bills being debated by the legislature.
South Dakota’s 99th legislative session is underway, and bills are being introduced by members of the SD legislature.
South Dakota’s 99th legislative session is underway, and you can be involved in the legislative process.
South Dakota’s 99th legislative session has begun.
God exists. How do we know? Look around you.
What are moral laws? They are things we instinctively know to be true.
A pragmatic argument for the existence of God has to do with every person’s need for meaning in life.
Why does the natural world always obey the laws of math?
Some believe there is no God because there is evil in the world.
All through history, there has been what is termed “The Great Conversation.”
What is goodness? The ancients of classical antiquity defined it as that which fulfills the purpose of truth.
“Truth is relative”… or is it? How does this statement even make sense?
Throughout history, philosophers, and people in general, have wondered: what is good? What is true? What is beautiful?
Are you prepared for 2024?
What's in store for 2024!? We are now in a new year and we have a whole year in front of us.
It's 2024 - A.D. Have you ever wondered what AD means?
New Year's Resolutions. Do you make them? Do you know someone who makes them?
Happy New Year! The year has passed and new one is upon us.
New Year's Eve is soon upon us. In just two short nights we will be celebrating the end of one year and the entrance of another.
"As the year comes to an end, we want to thank our radio stations, our listeners, our producers, and those who support us for a great opportunity to Connect The Dots."
We're nearing the end of the year. Many people at this time often think of churches, families, or non profits they can give donations to in closing out the year.
A birthday is a special day. Did you know, we just celebrated the most important birthday ever?
Merry Christmas everyone - today is Christmas day!
This Christmas falls on a great day of Monday the 25th.
It's the week before Christmas! This holiday is the most celebrated holiday in the entire world.
Does Christmas matter? Should we be content with “Seasons’ Greetings” as a welcome during this time?
The villain of the Christmas story is a ruler of the Jews at the time named King Herod.
Joseph from the Christmas story. An amazing example of humble faith is Joseph.
Mary Christmas. Let's talk about Mary in the Christmas story.
The Bible speaks much to money: AIt says “The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives.”
In our society, covetousness is called ambition, greed we call industry.
We live in a consumer driven society. Our lives are lived in a constant attempt to get “stuff,” with seemingly no purpose beyond that.
We all feel the pinch of the never-ending rise of the cost of goods.
Do you sometimes wonder how to pray? Do you sometimes wonder how to pray?
Sadly, the issue of drugs seems to keep coming up. It used to be common knowledge that doing drugs was destructive to mind and body.
God created the institution of marriage; and designed children to receive both the masculine love of the father, and the feminine love of the mother; kids need both.
Today is Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after thanksgiving when non profits hope to receive extra gifts to their organization.
Today is Cyber Monday. Are you wondering what that is?
What have you got to be thankful for? A home? A family? A job you love?
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It's Thanksgiving! We can be very thankful today that we live in this great country of America that has a unique tradition of thankfulness.
Abraham Lincoln, declared “I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and abroad, to observe the last Thursday of November, as a day of Thanksgiving.
George Washington instituted the national day of Thanksgiving.
Next year, South Dakotans may have to vote on a terrible idea – abortion up through nine months being carved into our state constitution.
Abortion. It's an explosive topic.
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Her racist attitudes and elitist nature led to the creation of an industry, a genocide, in place in the United States.
The evils of abortion can be traced back to the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.
How did the abortion industry start?
What is our fundament right as human beings? Life. If you don’t have life, nothing else matters.
God's Word, the Bible, says repeatedly to Give thanks to God in all circumstances. Not thanks for every circumstance, but in every circumstance.
Truth be told, most of us wish we were more patient people. And if we pray for patience, we most often ask for patience in waiting for something we want, or to be patient with a person that gets on our nerves.
There's an old hymn that opens this way; “Are you weak and heavy-laden, burdened with a load of care?”
Wars, famines, pandemics, earthquakes, destructive decisions of government, global takeovers, riots, food insecurity, homelessness, lay-offs, tragic accidents and so much more cause paralyzing fear.
Part of the purpose of God's Word, the Bible, is to help you calculate the future cost of current decisions.
We've heard in the news a lot recently about the barbarism of the Hamas terrorist to the Israelis. We've heard about innocent Palestianians being hurt by both Hamas and being caught in the line of Israel fire at these Hamas terrorists. We've heard about US troops and facilities being attacked in the Middle east by Iran and their proxies.
The new speaker of the US House of representatives has been elected. His name is Mike Johnson.
Good news! Not only do we have a new Speaker of the House, but we actually might have a good one!
Today is the day when many will send their kids dressed up, knocking on neighbors doors and receiving goodies and candies.
Do you realize the entertainment industry is just fascinated with the "End Times", "Armageddon", the "end of the world", a big asteroid is coming to hit the earth and everybody dies.
You realize that if Israel laid down its weapons and never defended itself again, It would be immediately wiped off the map by it's surrounding enemies.
The Bible records a promise that God made to Abraham; that He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.
We’ve all been bombarded with news, images, videos, social media posts, opinions one way or the other, having to do with the latest conflict in Israel. Why should we care?
The story of Frederick Douglass’ journey from slave to abolitionist is fascinating.
Noah Webster was a famous educator, statesman, and creator of the “Webster’s Dictionary”
While studying law in 1666, William Penn heard a sermon that forever changed his life.
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
Alexander Hamilton, understood what was at stake when we lose our connection to the Author of our Liberty.
Someone once said, "Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property."
When someone you know appears to be living life contrary to the picture they paint to others, it’s tempting to tell others about it.
Music. Whether you play an instrument, sing or simply enjoy listening, music is an integral part of life on this earth.
Most everyone would agree that justice is a high priority for them.
This quote from Abraham Lincoln is sobering.
Gandhi famously said that “it’s easy to stand with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.”
What are virtues? We hear so much about virtue signaling, and understand that to be something done just for show, but what are actual virtues?
How leisure time is spent tells a lot about a society.
How do you spend your time? Is your evening used up with reruns on Netflix? Are you all-consumed by every sporting event in town? Social Media?
Do you ever feel that you are spinning your wheels, spending your life doing things that don’t count?
U.S. Citizens have a responsibility, rather a duty to be informed and engaged in the political process.
There's concern here and around the world about this fire and the one that happened on the Greek Island of Rhodes that, that just happened. 19,000 people had to be evacuated.
Unless a miracle in human affairs interposed, no nation ever retained its liberty after the loss of the sword and the purse.
I use to pastor a church a little north of Lahaina and about half the members of that church have lost everything in the recent fires
A few of the hero’s that have risen out of the recent tragedy there in Lahaina, Hawaii.
I did not hear anybody excited about Biden's visit to Lahaina when I was there.
Show me your checkbook and I'll see your priorities. I'm back from Maui,
I just returned from Maui, where we saw fires incinerate almost all of Lahaina in one night. At least 13 hundred people died in the fires.
I've been talking about some Hawaiian words that have real deep meaning. Well here's another one.
There has been some plundering going on in Hawaii, after the terrible fires in Lahaina.
Three Hawaiian words; HA-VAI-I, and it means the land that God spoke into existence. What's interesting is that that is a Jewess belief.
As you know Lahaina, Hawaii has been in the news since last Tuesday when a tropical wind was coming by and powerful winds blew down power lines and fires were set.
What people don't know is that Hawaii is actually three words.
Despite the terrible situation in Lahaina, Maui, the local people have clung together, they love each other, they take care of each other, that's what they do.
Aloha doesn't mean hello, goodbye, love, or anything like that.
But those who abide by the law have nothing to fear.
Have you heard of Dietrich Von Bonhoeffer?
Have we not all been swayed by one person's derogatory comment or some gossip about a friend of ours we had always known and trusted?
The word sincere comes from two Latin words; Sine Cera, means without wax.
A culture war; when two worldviews collide.
But those that abide by the law have nothing to fear.
What’s the difference between having a good time and getting in trouble?
Sadly, one of the downfalls of a gathering like the Rally is that dangerous and underhanded things can happen.
South Dakota and the Black Hills are a beacon of freedom for the nation.
To the many veterans that are here this week to ride the Black Hills, as a state, we want to welcome you and thank you for your service.
Welcome Bikers. Welcome to the Black Hills!
Racism isn't a social problem, an economic problem or a political problem.
Are you going through a rough spot in your life right now?
How does one go about obtaining hope?
Once-slave Booker T. Washington famously said “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.”
Base your beliefs on reality, not wishful thinking and fairy-tales.
Moral implications and the genesis of science
Re-establishing virtue through hard work, and sobriety, can return us to the values that we were founded upon
The Bible teaches basics like moral absolutes, money management, and defines true liberty and justice
What is AI and should I care ? (mp3)
DownloadEducation choice for Kids (mp3)
DownloadPreserve South Dakota Values (mp3)
DownloadEvolution and Despair (mp3)
DownloadEducation and CRT (mp3)
DownloadIs Pornography ok ? (mp3)
DownloadIs Money evil ? (mp3)
DownloadCan surfing the Internet be a time waster? (mp3)
DownloadEvolution and Race (mp3)
DownloadThou Shalt Not Lie (mp3)
DownloadGender_Specificity (mp3)
DownloadMoral Traditions (mp3)
DownloadRichard John Neuhaus (mp3)
DownloadWords Of Life - Jurisdiction (mp3)
DownloadCelebrating America's Birthday!
Our constitutional Bill of Rights, 1st amendment (religion, speech, press, assembly, petition)
The First right in the First Amendment of the Bill of rights
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Often the most famous of the 5 subsections of the 1st Amendment
Freedom of our press in America
Peaceful Assembly is enshrined in our bill of rights
The 1st Amendment right to petition our government with grievances
Learn about our right to bear arms
No quartering of soldiers in our homes during peacetime
No unreasonable search or seizures
No government snooping for no reason
Eminent domain - for the public good
No cruel or unusual punishment
Rights retained by the people
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